August 2020 5K a Day: Week 2 Virtual Events Recap
I'm trying to complete a 5K a day runstreak (or walkstreak) this month. My aim is to have each 5K (or longer) be some kind of "event", from free online challenges to organized virtual races plus a few DIY runs.
I posted about the first week here: August 2020 5K a Day Week 1.
Here's a recap of what the second week was like.

1 I Run Solo | A 2020 Story
- Race: I Run Solo | A 2020 Story
- Completed: August 8, 2020
- Charity: Feeding America
- Hashtags: #IRunSOLO #IRun4Movement
- Cost: $44.94
- Swag: Medal, t-shirt, Tyvek bib
- Time: 47:22
- Recommendation: Nice swag, reasonable price, timely shipping. Recommended virtual race company.
2 DIY Virtual 2020 WDW 10K
- Race: DIY Virtual 2020 WDW 10K
- Completed: August 9, 2020
- Charity: I made a donation to Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation in honor of this 10K
- Cost: $42.12
- Swag: Medal, long sleeve tech t-shirt
- Time: 1:44:37
3 J-Hawk Free August Virtual 5K
- Race: J-Hawk Free August Virtual 5K
- Completed: August 10, 2020
- Cost: FREE
- Swag: Digital only
- Time: 57:55
4 Bon Air Just For Fun 5K
- Race: Bon Air Just For Fun 5K
- Completed: August 11, 2020
- Hashtag: #quarantine5kyourway
- Cost: FREE
- Time: 42:54
5 Run to the Future 5K
- Race: Run to the Future, another fun Back to the Future themed virtual race
- Completed: August 12, 2020
- Charity: Feeding America
- Hashtag: #RunToTheFuture #IRun4Movement
- Cost: $44.94
- Swag: Medal, t-shirt, Tyvek bib
- Time: 53:36
- Recommendation: Nice swag, reasonable price, timely shipping. Recommended virtual race company.
6 Quarantine 6K
- Race: Quarantine 6K
- Completed: August 13, 2020
- Charity: COVID-19 Response Fund
- Cost: $19.00
- Swag: Medal, Tyvek bib
- Time: 55:06
- Recommendation: Good swag, reasonable price, timely shipping. Recommended.
7 Strava August 5K
- Race: Strava August 5K
- Completed: August 14, 2020
- Cost: FREE
- Time: 53:54
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