Dharma Initiative Runner Lost Fan Short Sleeve T-Shirt


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The Yogi Fun Tarot Card Spoof T-Shirt

This is a fun mashup t-shirt design for yoga enthusiasts that imagines a tarot card for The Yogi. An illustration of a woman in the Sukhasana pose or Easy Pose is the main image in this fun tarot card design. The card spoof is captioned THE YOGI. This...

Weekends are for Virtual Races T-Shirt and More

When all of your goal races got cancelled, or postponed, or turned to virtual races, weren't you bummed? Many of us turned to virtual races during the pandemic to support local race companies or charities we believe in. In any circumstance, virtual races can be a great way to...

Just a Girl Who Loves Running Phone Case

If you're just a girl who loves running, this cute graphic and typographic design is for you! Delicate text reads "just a girl" above an icon of female figure running. Below the runner, all capital letters read "WHO LOVES". Put it all together and you've got a message...

Runners Are Evolved Funny Hoodie

First published as The Road to Homo Sapiens, the illustration now popularly known as the March of Progress represents 25 million years of human evolution. The progression from ape-like animals through early man up to modern man included a sequence of 15 species. The illustration today is often...