First Quarter 2021 Virtual Race Round-Up

An unresolved, untreated nagging injury has kept me from making running goals. I finally got a referral from my primary doctor in mid-September (ugh, time flies!) but I've still got to make my appointment. I'm hopeful to have the motivation once I get my COVID-19 vaccine. Until then, I still have some virtual races lined up.

These virtual runs (walks) are mostly completed in my neighborhood or local trail so they unfortunately aren't particularly memorable; individual reports would be even more boring than the usual race report. I still want to note them, especially to shout out the charities involved, so here are some brief recaps from virtual events I completed in January, February, and March 2021.

1 Shark Bite 5K

This fun race series, when an in-person event, consists of a 5K on Saturday evening and the main half marathon/5K event the next day, Sunday. It was scheduled to take place in mid-January before being converted to a virtual event. Although I had signed up for the Feeding Frenzy 5K plus Shark Bite Half Marathon challenge event, I converted to the virtual 5K option. 

  • Completed: January 25, 2021 in my neighborhood
  • Charity: Girls on the Run Volusia
  • Cost: $45.40
  • Swag: Medal, Neck Buff
  • Time: 46:38

2 MeStrong 5K

This extremely popular local charity race had to go virtual for its 10th year. Arthur and I walked this together in 2019.

  • Completed: February 7, 2021 in my neighborhood
  • Charity: MeStrong
  • Cost: $72.75 for two packets plus extra souvenir visor
  • Swag: T-Shirt, Tyvek Bib, swag-packed race packet
  • Time: 49:22

3 Lady Track Shack 5K

This race took place as an in-person event on January 30, 2021. I requested to convert my race to virtual and Track Shack kindly obliged. Unfortunately, I didn't complete this race within the date period so I didn't get to submit my results. Track Shack has had several successful in-person events during the pandemic and I am sure they are taking great safety precautions. I think I'll be ready for an in-person event after I get my COVID-19 vaccine.

4 Hang In There 5K

  • Completed: March 14, 2021 on local trails
  • Cost: $45.38
  • Swag: Medal, T-Shirt*, Bib
  • Time: 40:57

Addendum 9/6/22: I gave this shirt away (Goodwill) in July 2022


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