Gear for Your Gear: Alligator Clips for Medal Displays

Near the start of the pandemic, when I saw that more than a few virtual races were in my future, I purchased a second-hand medal holder (Trailscape by Allied Medal Hangers) to keep my virtual swag separate from my in-person race medals.
This popular type of medal rack has hang bars that are very close to each other. The rack I purchased has three bars. When I hung up all of my virtual medals on the rack, the looked messy because there was so much overlap. The medals hanging from lower bars were almost completely obscured by medals that were hung on the upper bars. That's where these little clear alligator clips come in handy.
I re-hung my medals, using the alligator clips to layer the lanyards on the medals in the middle and upper racks. The clips are unobtrusive as they hold up the lanyards to display the medals at different levels. Unfortunately, I didn't take a before photo of the rack, but you can see below that the medals are nicely staggered in three rows to make a pleasing display.

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