Local Race Recap: Bunny Hop 5K 2022

I ran the Second Annual Bunny Hop 5K on multi-use trails here in DeBary Florida on Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022. Here's my recap.
Training & Goals
Six years ago this month, I finally broke 30 minutes for a 5K distance. Now that I'm starting over, I'm chasing a sub 40 minute 5K and hoped this race would be the day.
I'm still working on coming back after a period of no running, managing knee pain and working on losing some pandemic weight. My plan for this race was to try out new run/walk intervals of 75/75 for the duration.
Race Day: April 17, 2022
I love when there are races at Gemini Springs, because these are familiar running trails, and I can walk or bike to the start. On race morning, I arrived in plenty of time to get my packet, stow my stuff with my bike, and line up for the race. It was 70°F at the start with uncomfortable 94% humidity and clear skies.
Mile 1: 12:48
I tried to start off slow, as lately I've been starting with a walking warmup. I felt okay, though humidity always gets me sweating ridiculously.
Mile 2: 12:39
Mile 3+: 12:54, :06
I came in at 38:25, so yay for a sub-40! My Garmin recorded a final distance of 3:01 for the run, which is pretty short, so that bummed me out a little bit. The pace was still good for a sub-40. Next stop, sub-38. LOL

After the Race
There was a very good spread of packaged goodies, water, and bananas at the finish line. During the awards ceremony I went looking for another bottle of water but the coolers were empty. When race staff found out, they jumped into action to refill the ice coolers with more water. Nice.
This was a cute little race on our beautiful trail. Well-supported and fine swag. The Easter Bunny was there, and there were activities for kids, including an egg hunt and free kid's race. I'd recommend for locals.

Chip time: 38:25
Placement details: 9/15 in Age Group; 90/129 overall
Race Amenities: Cute tech shirt, finisher medal for all, video of start/finish
Cost: $38.53

Addendum 9/28/22: I gave this shirt away (Goodwill) in September 2022
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