Quick Virtual Race Review: Cool Sommer Mornings #2: Comedy 5K
An unresolved nagging injury has kept me from making running goals. I still have a bunch of virtual races lined up which I'll review as I walk them.
Sommer Sports in Clermont started doing in-person events shortly before this event took place. For this race they offered participants the option to complete virtually, which I really appreciated. I had originally signed up for this race because I was curious to see what a triathlon looks like and this race is part of their popular summer series.
Race Day: July 11, 2020
I completed my 5K in my neighborhood on the day of the in-person event. It was about 81°F with 89% humidity when I started out just after 8AM.
For this run I got a medal and t-shirt designed around the theme for the race, comedy.

I think Sommer Sports has a really good reputation among runners and triathletes here in central Florida. I have run their events in the past and I've been pretty happy with their organization. I was very happy to have the option to run this virtually, and I'll definitely run with them again.
Garmin GPS elapsed time: 45:08
Cost: $31.75

Report written August 4, 2020

Addendum 9/6/22: I gave this shirt away (Goodwill) in July 2022
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