Race Recap: United With The Blue 5K 2023

I participated in the second annual United With The Blue 5K in Lake Mary, Florida. The race director is a WVR club mate and the event honors law enforcement fallen officers and raises funds for two related charities: Law Enforcement United and Team Blueline.
I had to participate last year virtually due to a conflict; I was happy to participate in person this year.
Training & Goals
I've been having a lot of knee pain. I meant to try easy run:walk intervals as my knees would allow.
Race Day: November 5, 2023
This race takes place on the Cross-Seminole Trail from Front Running Sports in Lake Mary. It's a familiar out-and-back course on a popular multi-use trail that several local races use. It's an easy 15 minute drive from home and I was able to find a great parking spot, pick up my packet, and stow my stuff before the race started. I had bad timing as I apparently missed our club group photos by a minute.
Mile 1: 14:57
After a short walking warm-up, I mixed in some short running spurts, but my knees weren't having it.

Mile 2: 14:52
I did my best power walk for miles 2 and 3.
Mile 3+: 15:11, 2:19
There were a lot of walkers on the course, so I didn't feel too alone.

After the Race
There were treats for runners at the end of the run, including candy, munchkins, half bananas, and beer from Tactical Brewing Company. WVR won a trophy for having the largest team. I stayed for some of the awards ceremony before heading home.
This is a good race that supports a great cause. It's a nice run on a beautiful local trail. Recommended.

Chip time: 47:15
Placement details: 5/11 in Age Group, 155th out of 200 finishers.
Race Amenities: Tech unisex t-shirt and finisher medal for all.
Cost: $21.19
All photos (c) Almost There Photography
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