Race Report: Bob Ross Happy Little 5K 2017

One of the theme nights our local minor league baseball team, the Daytona Tortugas, had planned for the 2017 season was Bob Ross Night, honoring the Daytona Beach native. The team was going to give away a bobblehead of the painter. As the date approached, more promotions were added, like a painting class, a t-shirt package, and a fun color run 5K race the morning of the game. I participated in the run.

Pre-Race & Expectations
It was to be my first color run! The event was untimed so I planned to take it easy. I had a runstreak for the month so a little race like this fit in with my plans.

I found a skirt at Goodwill that was perfect for this artist-themed color run. Although not made for running, the cotton skirt had an awesome color palette print all the way around. I wore it over a Sparkle Skirt so I still had all my pockets. I used puff fabric paint to draw a palette on a white tech shirt to complete my race day outfit.

Race Day: July 15, 2017
Arthur and I drove out to Jackie Robinson Park ("the Jack") the morning of the race and right away it was obvious this would be a very small event. I picked up my shirt and bib and then waited around for the start. This was a late one, with runners taking off at 9AM. It was 84°F at the start with blazing sun and a feels-like temperature of 94°F.

The Race
Before the race started we all threw our color packets into the air so everyone got nice and powdered. Then we left the stadium via the southeast entrance and headed out on City Island to the Sweetheart Trail.

The course was well-marked with arrows stuck to the sidewalk and trail indicating turns along the route. We passed the water stop twice.

Along the way race organizers had put out a couple of photo ops in the the form of huge posters of Bob Ross. There were also a couple of color stations where volunteers doused us with more colored powder.

Towards the end of the race there was a big painting that we could stop and add to before running back to the stadium.

The race information given prior to raceday indicated we would finish with a run around the outfield at Jackie Robinson Park, crossing home plate. Unfortunately this was changed at the last minute and we finished by running through the southwest entrance gate. The course change also made the route somewhat shorter than 5K. Oh well.

After the Race
I picked up my free beer and we sat around for a little while before I cleaned up as best I could and we headed home.

We came back to the Jack that night for the game. All of the entertainment was Bob Ross or art-themed and the mascot Shelldon was even wearing a Bob Ross wig!

It was fun but I am not a huge fan of untimed races. I don't need to do another color run, that was a mess. The changed course ending was a small disappointment. In all it was well organized but I'm not sure I need to do this again (if there is another).

Garmin watch time: 39:10 (for 3 miles)
Race Amenities:
Bob Ross Night t-shirt, very cool race bib
Cost: $27.50

Report written August 7, 2017


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