Local Race Report: Holiday Stress Buster 5K 2016

This race in pretty and historic Lake Helen was my third of three holiday races for the season. This race was the most enjoyable of the bunch for me, though I now realize that three is too many.

Lake Helen's Holiday Stress Buster raises funds for the city's park and children's playground.

Training & Goals
I was looking at this as another fun run following illness earlier in the month that kept me off running as much as I'd like. Training would start again in the new year -- I was here to have some holiday fun and burn off some feast calories.

Race Day: December 24, 2016
I had picked up my packet the day before so I didn't have to arrive to early for the race. It was 61°F at the start with 100% humidity.

Mile 1: 10:28
The race took us from Blake Park in the middle of Lake Helen around residential and undeveloped parts of the city. Many runners had dressed up in holiday costumes.

Mile 2: 10:29

Mile 3+: 10:15, 1:39*

Chip time: 32:37
Placement details:
14 of 36 in Age Group; 194 of 494 overall
Race Amenities:
Runners received a long sleeve cotton shirt and nice finisher medal

*I often forget to turn off my Garmin after a race, so the final time is skewed.

Report written January 9, 2017

Featured photo (c) Almost There Photography; running photo (c) Naymond Fontenot via Facebook


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